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We’ve launched Dark Mode resume to get you noticed

By Marc Cenedella  on Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Marc Cenedella

Marc Cenedella is a nationally recognized thought leader on careers, resume writing, job search, career management and recruiting, Marc is frequently sought out by national media organizations for his expert commentary on employment, resumes, the job search and the job market.

Leet Resumes, where job seekers get great professional resumes for free, announces that users can choose Dark Mode for their resume - the popular, modern setting that has been sweeping smartphones,

Dark Mode used to be a secret nerd superpower 🤓. We could get much more done, with less squinting, less eye exhaustion, and less… brightness 🧛 🧛🏽‍♀️

When Dark Mode started spreading like fire a few years ago, we were amused to hear friends from marketing, HR, and PR sing the praises of our former “secret.”

As the leaders in free resumes, we decided to invent the Dark Mode resume.

Dark Mode Animation

Our designer worked on getting the colors just right. It turns out Black Black is the wrong kind of black, as the contrast between white and black is too much. So it’s Really Dark Gray Black per the Material Design recommendations.

That turns out to have complications with things like bullet points, dividing lines, and formatting in general, so many thanks to our engineers who 💪 wrestled with the mighty Google Docs API to make the transition between 🌞 Light Mode and 🌚 Dark Mode painless.

Dark Mode Information

We also wanted to prove that we can produce these transitions seamlessly and programmatically. That will enable future cool stuff from Leet. 🎆

Can you actually use your Dark Mode resume in job applications?

Yes, we think you can, especially in technology-driven or creative fields. The format is what hiring teams and recruiters expect - there’s nothing funny, strange, or jarring about the content presented - so the Dark Mode will likely attract attention for the right reasons 💸 - your forward-looking willingness to embrace change and the future 🧑‍🚀

Get your Dark Mode resume today at www.leetresumes.com !

🚨p.s. If you’ve already completed your Light Mode resume with us, just log in, and we’ve added Dark Mode for free.

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